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100 Years, 100 Women

Updated: Nov 1, 2024

100 Women of the World who have inspired us and our audience:

* Manuela Sáenz (obviously) - (1795 - 1856) - Ecuadorian revolutionary who kicked liberation butt during the Latin American Wars of Independence. Proto-feminist, she cuts an inspiring figure for Latin American women to this day.

* Gabriela Mistral (or Lucila Godoy) - (1889 - 1957) - Chilean poet, writer and educator, she was the first Latin American author to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Dame la mano y danzaremos; dame la mano y me amarás. Como una sola flor seremos, como una flor, y nada más...

El mismo verso cantaremos, al mismo paso bailarás. Como una espiga ondularemos, como una espiga, y nada más.

Te llamas Rosa y yo Esperanza; pero tu nombre olvidarás, porque seremos una danza en la colina y nada más...

* Janet Mock - Author, scriptwriter, TV director & producer and trans-activist born in Hawaii. Her first book "Redefining Realness" was the first biography written from the perspective of a young trans person.

* Annie Lenox - Scottish music legend considered the "most successful female British artist in UK music history". On top of being a global feminist, she is also a political and social activist raising awareness for HIV/AIDS as it effects children and women in Africa.

*Amelia Earhart - (1897 - disappeared 1937) - The first woman to fly the Atlantic! Earhart felt the 1932 flight proved that men and women were equal. “I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others.”

*Marion Woodman - (1928 - 2018) - Jungian analytical psychologist and women's movement figure. "We have got to face the agony and the ecstasy of being human - something we are not too good at in this culture. Many people don't want to be human; they'd rather live on idealisation and perfection. They don't want to take responsibility for their lives because it's much easier to fly off into spirit and try to live out an archetypal dream."

*Jo March from 'Little Women' - She was independent and wouldn't be cowed by convention or society, staying true to herself, achieving her dreams and supporting her family. She wasn't perfect, but she was a badass despite her flaws.

*Herbal Medicine Teacher - I feel shy about naming her. She is quiet, humble, smiley and gentle. As soon as she speaks it becomes apparent that she is so profoundly knowledgable she is actually a giant. When she shows this, I could be swept away by her so easily. But she never wields that power, not quite.

*Carlota de Belgica - (1840 - 1927) - A Belgian princess who became empress of Mexico, founding many schools and a law to universalise education. A controversial character, her strength shone through in defence of her adopted country when the French army left Mexico. Check out her story!

*Violeta Parra - (1917 - 1967) singer, songwriter and "the mother of Latin American folk". Her song 'Gracias a la vida' was part of her pioneering reinvention of Chilean folk music into La Nueva Canción Chilena:

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto

Me dio dos luceros que cuando los abro

Perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco

Y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado

Y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo

*Queen of the Maroons in Mauritius - in the mid 1800s a massacre took place atop Le Morne Mountain. What was left was a legend of a great woman who jumped to her death to save her people. Slowly being erased by time and the loss of oral storytelling, the best way to find out more about her is to watch Popelei Seed Commission winner Ariane Barnes' new show!

* Who's next?

Send in your suggestions and you could win a pair of tickets to Popelei's November showing of '100 Years' in London!


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